Friday, February 13, 2009

Tonight I have had a good time reading everyone's blogs. Today it snowed until about 2:00p.m. then quit. when I got up in the night at 4:00a.m. to go to the bathroom I looked out to see how much snow we had because the weatherman said the snow should come at 3 a.m. but there were just a few flakes in the air. I didn't have to go to work early today because they had enough deserts to last the weekend so the alarm went off about an hour later than it usually does. Right then they were giving the closings and I was really surprised that Burwell was closed. I worked on a project I was sewing but didn't have the thread I needed and am low on quilt basting spray. It is really discouraging that we have to go 100 miles to buy anything. this week I had to order Sam a pair of black pants and black shoes on the Internet. He is in the youth singing festival next Sat. in G.I. and they have to wear those things. It is really hard to buy pants for him because he needs a 27 inch waist. I got e-mails that they had been shipped so I hope they get here in time. If not we will have to make an emergency trip to G.I. and hope for the best. Yesterday I took Dewey and Erma to a funeral in Ord. An old friend of theirs had died. Erma thought she could drive but Dewey wanted someone to drive for them. They found a lot of people to visit with. They thought the funeral would be full but besides family there were only 30 people there.


Julie said...

Hi Joye this will be fun to blog. I am not sure what to say. I am afraid my life is rather boring.

Jerryl said...

Welcome to the world of blogging, Joye. After you set me up, I would think you would do it too. How the world has changed - we used to talk to each other. Now we blog.