Monday, December 9, 2013

Thing # 74 Bitstrips:  Discovering Bitstrips has been a lot of fun, got several comments and a lot of laughs off the one I posted on Facebook. I think this would be fun to use to announce upcoming events in our Facebook page for Garfield County Library

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Thing @ 52

Thing # 52 Pinterest: I had heard a lot of conversation about Pinterest but didn't know what people were talking about. Then my daughter was making a project she had found on Pinterest so I tried to follow her and finally found the sight. Then I started my own account and tried to pin something. I didn't know I had to set up boards before I could do that. By using the information I have learned from this excercise I have learned how to set up the boards, how to use the pin it button, how to move the pin it button into the favorites bar, and how to pin to a board. I did have some problems trying to pin a book in ipage. It would act like it was going to pin and then wouldn't so I have to go to Amazon to find the pins. I have applied for an account for the library and I can see how pinning new books to a board or info about upcoming speakers or classes at the library will be great. The one down side is a lot of people have no idea what Pinterest is.

Friday, July 31, 2009

I didn't realize WorldCat offered so much information. I searched for a favorite book and found it at the Broken Bow Library. This is the library I made a favorite. I can see that this will be useful in the library if a patron is searching for a certain book. This way we can find the book in a regional library and the sight even tells the mileage from Burwell. I added a list to my RSS feed. I didn't realize how handy the RSS feature is. When I mention RSS to most people they look at me with a blank look. I have really benefited from the information I have learned doing the 2.0.

Monday, June 29, 2009

This is assignment part 2 and part 3. I did a basic search for Garfield County Library and found our library at the top of the list. The marker was placed correctly. All the info on our library was correct. Currently we don't have a web sight so there is no information on that. I went on to claim the library and tried to put in a picture of the library. However I went out and took a picture of the exterior of the building but when I went to upload it said it was too big. Then I looked at the requirements and it can't be bigger than 1MB. My picture was 1,233KB. Also can't be more than 1024 x 1024. How do I resize the picture I took to use it? I had a terrible time trying to put our hours in. We have split shifts and there is a check mark to put in split shifts but everytime I tried to put the hours for Mon, Wed and Friday and Saturday it put hours on Tues and Thurs and when I marked closed beside those two it took away one of the hours for Wed. Finally I just marked I prefered not to list the hours. I did get to the point they will send me a postcard with a pin to activate it. I am going to have to do some more practicing before I will be ready to show anyone else.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

There is a lot more to Google Maps than I realized. I looked up the address 1445 K St. 68509 and found the state capitol. And yes I could tell the color of the cars parked around it. Especially the red and black. I prefered the map view. Watching the street view made me a little dizzy. I really liked the photos on the places we were to search.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Back to learning new technolgy of Web 2.0. I RSS the twitter alerts and the Google alerts and waited several days and I guess Burwell NE is not too noteworthy because I received no alerts. That is not too surprising because I think most of the people in Burwell don't know what Twitter is . I have had several people ask me about Twitter and I try to explain how it works. The common response is who cares what someone is doing every minute. Next week we are having the BIT mobile, Business and Information and Technolgy mobile, come to the Garfield County Library. We are offering three sessions for people to be introduced with the Internet and Web 2.0. We are not having very much success in filling the 14 seats for each session. Several people have commented that they don't need a class they know all about it. I don't think these people realize the scope of what there is.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Today I went to an auction. I bought one box of pans which I did'nt even know what was in the box. I got it for 2.50. There were two 9x13pans with snap on lids, a Revere ware skillet 10 inch and a Revere Ware skillet probably 6 inch. Some 8x8 pans and a muffin tin, two cookie sheets. After I left to walk to Mom's Ed bought the cast iron. I wanted to see the cast iron sell but Ed was wanting to go and he checked to seewhere the cast iron was and said it would be a long time. So I left to walk to Mom's and he was to pay the bill. When he went to the trailer to pay the bill he noticed the cast iron was on the table ready to be sold. He waited but didn't know how much to bid so Don Smith told him that one skillet would be about 30.00. So he bought the chicken fryer and a big skiller for 12.50 each and then a pile of smaller skillets and a griddle for 10.00 total. They need cleaned up but will be nice pans. Then we came home and watched the Kentucky Derby and saw a 95oo.oo horse beat the million dollar horses. When the band played My OLd Kentucky Home I think I saw a kid that Home Makeover did a house for. He was in a wheelchair and blind but he played the trumpet and his Dad pushed him in marching band. Today they just showed a glimpse of the bank but there was a kid in a wheelchair and an older man standing beside him. When they did the makeover that family did live in Kentucky. After the derby Jerryl and I went to the Prom Promanade. There were some real pretty dresses this year. A lot of ball gown styles with the skirts pulled up in those tufts. One dress was quite striking but different. Real sleek and fitting on a very skinny girl and the print was animal print. The larger girls looked better this year. Nobody wore a sack like they have in the past.
Ted did a good job today of mowing our back yard. Then Ed and Ted cleaned out all the corn husks that had blown in by the garage door. They were just finishing that when Carl Streeter came to spray the yard for the first time. Now if it will rain tonight that will be perfect timing.
Last night Jerryl and Mom and I went to Atkinson to shop at Smith's going out of business sale. We bought some fabric to sew some of Mom's quilt blocks together. Janny met us there and we ate at Subway. Mom was able eat the pizzas they have there.